With the cloth diaper laundry schedule you will need at least two wet bags or pail liners. No one wants to buy both pail liners and wet bags for when you’re out and about. Here’s a quick and cheap solution to make your wet bag pull double duty.
I made one pail liner and my plans to make a second were put on hold when my little one arrived early. I already had a large wet bag and found it difficult to use hanging and unzip with a dirty diaper in one hand. Of course unzipping the bag BEFORE the diaper is removed is ideal, but what sleep deprived mommy brain can remember to do that?!? I love using my diaper pail with my homemade liner and needed to find an easy solution to do the same with my zipper wet bag.
Using a standard foot pedal trash can as a diaper pail is easy and economical. I made a pail liner for our diasper pail and am very happy with how it turned out. I was able to make the liner for a fraction of the cost of buying one and it was a quick project. I used white PUL with a boarder of the chevron at the top because it looks nice and it makes it easy to see the liner is in correctly and not inside out. Also, the white PUL is cheaper so there’s a cost savings. I added a strap at the top and one at the bottom to make hang drying easy. I bought my fabric from JoAnn’s and used two 50% off coupons for the fabric. For the cost of one purchased liner I bought enough fabric to make three like the one shown below.
When our bundle of joy arrived early I didn’t have a second pail liner made. I did however have a large zipper, hanging wet bag. Instead of hopping on Amazon to get anoth liner I found an easy way to use my zipper wet bag. With only one command strip hook (purchased from dollar tree for $1) I am now able to use the hanging wet bag hands free!
I put the command strip on the fron of my foot pedal “diaper pail” and boom, done. Hook one handle behind the lid opening mechanism and the other on the command hook. You now have a multi-use wet bag. I love not having to worry about unzipping a bag or touching anything to get a diaper in a bag.